Wednesday, April 8, 2009

{"green" wreaths}

I have always loved the moss covered wreaths at Pottery Barn and even the ones that I have seen on Martha Stewert. Bof course am not ready to pay $40 for 1 wreath when I can make these for a total of $6 and be just as happy (well, for now ).
I started out with just some simple stick and twig wreaths. I was lucky enough to find these at a local thrift store for only $1 each, but you can buy them at any craft store i'm sure.

Then i added some ribbon to hang tme with, I then grabbed my hot gluse gun and went to work. I glued the moss (which I found at my local dollar tree) and went all along the side and top with it, packed it on/down and then double checjed to make sure I didn't forget any areas.

And bada bing bada boom! here is the finished product! It's not as good as pottery barn but close enough right? I am going to get some green spray paint and spray them a little with it to give it a more brighter green look.

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