Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wash Room Sign...

This is a magnet "All Star" sign that I baught at Target on clearance for $3.00. And you know me...:) I can't leave anything alone. So with a little paint, stamps, time and patience I ended up with this that now hangs above my washing machine.

I need your help with this!!!!

I have this cute little set upthat is from Ikea. It has 5 silver buckets and a holder that hangs them all of them in a row on the wall etc. if desired. Please help me to come up with a cute idea for these. I am stumped and need your creative minds to help me out please! :)
Tell me what to do with them and where I should put them (or where you would put them).

Monday, December 29, 2008

Another great bargain!

I love to make sign like this one, but I couldn't pass this up for only $3.00. I will be putting it in my daughter's room :)

I love a bargain!!!

I went shopping this morning and look what I found.....

This actually was a flat gray color with a little bit of white paint wiped all over it to give it a older aged look. But I took it and painted it black and varnished it :) I love it now! But I havn't even told you the best part about this piece, it only cost mt $4.42 on clearance!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Picture Frames!

I have my dear friend Airan to thank for these frames :)!!!! She gave them to me for christmas ( unfinished) which is how i like things so that I can do my own spiffy stuff to them.
Anyways I got them last night and am pretty much done with them. I might add some words on the black part of the frame, but if I do i will post any changes I make along the way :) Thanks again Airan!
I have a few other posts to do but I can't until after christmas becasue they involve present that my family have not opened yet.
I do have the materials to make these if anyone wants some!